What is this?

White board illustrations I have used to help students understand concepts from 100-level classes like Biology 101, Anatomy and Physiology, and Microbiology. They may include diagrams, stories, or references to really nerdy stuff.

Can I share comics online, print them for my notes, etc.?

Absolutely. This work falls under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. You’re free to modify or share it so long as you’re not making money. Leave the Brain BREAK! logos intact to give proper credit.

Can I share comics with my students?

Oh my gosh, really? Yes! I would love to know what class(es) you teach, where you are at in your curriculum, and which content you’re sharing. Any information helps me figure out what I am doing right and how to do it better.

You got this concept wrong!

Oops! I try to get my work proofread, but it can happen. Please contact me. Let me know 1) which comic has the error, 2) what the error is, and 3) the source you’ve used. I will definitely look at it.

How is your handwriting so neat?!

When I was seven, my teacher said I held my pencil wrong, but I kept doing it anyway. Seriously, though, years of cartooning and a perfectionist personality.

Can you make a comic about…?

I have a long list of concepts that I plan on addressing. Your idea is probably on there! I’ll let y’all know when I’m running dry, but rest assured, it will probably be a while before I run out. I also tend to develop illustrations when I am actively following my students’ curriculum and what they ask about most — so I can feel confident that I’ve worked out all the bugs.

Can I email you for more help?

I’m flattered, but I get paid to tutor, and ultimately, I do this for fun. What you see is what you get! If you have more questions, visit your professor during office hours (they love that), look at other textbooks, ask your peers how they study, and check out my Resources page. Keep trying!

Do you have a Patreon, etc.?

You can give me a couple bucks over at PayPal! It helps cover the costs of the website and materials.

I LOVE disclaimers. Can you write one?

I thought you would never ask!

  • Brain BREAK! cannot guarantee the accuracy of its information. The materials are not officially verified by any institution or organization.
  • Readers are expected to know how to evaluate media responsibly and use critical thinking in assessing Brain BREAK!‘s content (i.e. take with a grain of salt).
  • I am not, nor do I claim to be, an educator.
  • This webcomic is NOT a substitution for lectures, texts, labs, etc. It’s meant to be an entertaining supplement to classwork.
  • I’m not responsible for anyone’s exam performance or grades.
  • What your professor says, goes.
  • Please don’t interrupt your professor and say “But Brain BREAK! said…” Ask them to clarify after class and contact me (see “You got this concept wrong!” above) so I can address any flubs I may have made in the comic.
  • What your professor says, goes!